Tips For Seed Sowing This Season

As the weather begins to cool this autumn, you may be focused on harvesting rather than sowing new crops. But in a warm subtropical climate, it is certainly possible to grow a range of annual crops year-round.
Choose the Right Produce to Grow
Now might be a good time to sow some cooler season crops – like broad beans, brassicas, root crops, spinach, and other leafy greens. Over the winter months, you can grow crops that like cooler temperatures (though will have to offer some protection if there is ever a frost in your area).
Understanding when to sow certain fruits, vegetable and herbs in your particular area can help you to get your timings right and make sure you can eat from your own garden year-round.
Get Your Timings Right
Understanding when to sow for your area means taking a look at the weather conditions and temperatures that you are likely to enjoy over the coming months.
It can also mean thinking about time-to-harvest, and considering when the crops you sow will be ready to eat. If you get your timings right, you can make sure you eat from your garden every month, and won't have any massive gluts to contend with.
Understand What Seeds Need
Most common annual crop seeds germinate fairly readily. But there are a number of things that can go wrong. Remember, when you are sowing your cool season crops, that seeds need the right temperatures, air, and water to sprout. Make sure you provide the right medium and environmental conditions for the specific crops you want to grow.
Choose the Right Growing Medium
Whatever you choose to grow, it is important to choose the right growing medium for your seeds. If you are direct sowing, you should make sure that the soil is healthy and ready to provide your seedlings and young plants with what they need.
If sowing in trays or pots, you should make sure that you select or create a suitable moisture retentive yet free draining, friable and open seed starting compost. Choosing the right mix will help you get your plants off to the best possible start.
Make Sustainable Choices
When seed sowing, you might inadvertently make choices that are detrimental to people and planet. Make sure that you choose only peat-free potting mixes – using peat depletes and damages natural carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots that we should conserve.
Also, take steps to avoid plastic use where you can. Make your own compost mix rather than buying it in in plastic bags. Choose biodegradable pots, or make use of items that would otherwise be thrown away. Or go pot-free and use a soil blocker for your seed sowing.
Remember also to plan ahead, to reduce waste, increase successes, and to make sure that your garden is as healthy and productive as it can possibly be.
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