At Shambhala Yoga Shala, we are passionate about connecting back to the heart through nature, movement and meditation.
Join The
Shambhala Yoga Community
Casual class and monthly membership options:

Casual Class.
$25 Single Class. This is a one time payment per class.
Practice in the Shala for one class only. Purchase your casual class and turn up to any one class.

Monthly Yoga Shala Membership
$120 a month ($30 per week). This is a recurring monthly Payment.
Premium ongoing monthly access to unlimited classes in the Shala as well as the online membership. Cancel anytime.

Online Yoga Membership.
$47 a month ($11 per week) This is a recurring monthly payment.
Practice from the comfort of your own home with access to unlimited classes via your own personal Shala portal membership. Cancel anytime.
Yoga Shala Events
As we individually grow, nourish and connect to the deeper levels of ourselves, we also begin connecting with and co-creating a
conscious community of awake human beings that live with respect and love for nature.
About Your Hosts
Craig & Chrissy Hubbard are the founders of Shambhala Farm and Yoga Shala.
Chrissy has been teaching yoga for over 10 years, is a Mama and a flower farmer. She is the inspiration that brought the Yoga Shala to the farm and is currently a full time Mama to Birdie Skye. Chrissy co-facilitates regular Women's Circles and loves to share the depths of her heart through her words, growing flowers, motherhood and movement.
Craig Hubbard has a passion of wellness from years of training as black belt in kung fu, a yoga and meditation teacher and an organic farmer with a deep curiosity of ecology and life cycles. He is a surfer and ocean lover and a father to 3 children.

Meet The Teachers

Chrissy Beth

Bec Simpson

Inga Giessmann

Christine McDaniel

Hanna Muehlenberg