The Wonder Food: Why You Should Eat Banana Flower

Previously, we explored how a Banana Leaf becomes a part of different culture and traditions. But that’s just a glimpse of how wonderful the Banana Tree is.
As I gaze and wonder how magnificent the whole tree is, I also learned that there is one part of it that has incredible medicinal benefits. Have you heard of Banana Flower?
Banana flower is a unique herb with many medicinal properties. It's also known as banana blossom or heart and can be found growing on trees in tropical climates, usually near rivers where it gets its water from.
It is packed full of essential minerals such as phosphorus, calcium potassium copper magnesium iron vitals for several bodily functions. And yet this wonder food has been largely overlooked by modern medical research.
Here's why banana flower is a certified wonder food:
Treat Infections
Banana flower has been used as a natural remedy for centuries to treat infections. The extract in this plant contains ethanol, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and can even kill off harmful germs lurking within your body.
Reduce Menstrual Bleeding and Abdominal Pain
Cooked banana flowers have been used for centuries to help deal with pain in the abdomen and reduce menstrual bleeding. When consumed alongside curd or yoghurt, these pansies increase progesterone hormone levels which leads them being effective at preventing cramps during your period as well.
Manage Blood Sugar Levels
Banana flower extract can be a great way to manage your blood sugar levels, and it also promotes glucose uptake. Amazingly enough this is one of the best natural remedies out there for people who have diabetes or any form of chronic illness.
Work As Antidepressants
Banana flower, with its calming and mood-boosting properties can be useful for people who are struggling from anxiety or depression. They contain magnesium which is crucial when it comes down towards regulating nerve cells involved with feelings of sadness or isolation. It has natural chemicals that work as antidepressants without any side effects.
Prevent Cancer And Heart Problems
Banana flower can be used to help prevent diseases like cancer and heart problems. The antioxidants found within this plant are responsible for neutralizing free radicals, which protect cells from oxidative damage that could lead towards these conditions becoming more serious or even terminal illnesses.
Increase Breast Milk Production
Banana flowers contain galactagogues - substances that increase breast milk production by stimulating hormone release from mothers who are lactating or trying to become pregnant again after giving birth.
Slow Down Aging
Banana flower is a unique herb that can help you maintain youthful skin and slow down the ageing process. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants called polyphenols which fight against free radicals in our body to keep us looking young.
Promote Healthy Kidney Function
The health benefits of banana flower are endless. Not only does it have a helpful effect on the kidneys, but bananas themselves are filled with essential vitamins and minerals that can promote healthy functioning in general. A young shoot from this plant is often recommended for people who suffer from painful or inflammatory kidney stones as well as those looking to avoid further complications down below due to an overworked urinary system.
Combat Anemia And Any Deficiency
Banana flowers are full of iron. They also have a variety for benefits, one being the prevention or treatment of anemia related symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness (from low red blood cell counts), irregular heartbeat and pallor in skin coloration among others. Adding these little gems into meals often helps increase levels on hemoglobin - which will combat any deficiency type.
Relieve Indigestion
Banana flowers are a natural remedy that work to relieve indigestion, ulcers and pain. They also have high levels of dietary fiber which regularizes bowel movements as well. It is high on dietary fiber content so it feeds good bacteria that reside throughout our gut system keeping its microenvironment healthy thus preventing colorectal cancers.
Banana flowers are a treasure trove of nutrients. It is a wonder plant that can be incorporated into your regular diet. They contain protein, potassium and calcium among other things. You can eat the flower as is or incorporate them into your regular diet by using it in salads, soup stock recipes and even tea leaves for brewing an herbal concoction which will help relieve stomach troubles caused due to upset digestive system.
These edible blooms make excellent additions to your diet whether simply eaten raw or cooked. And that’s how wonderful our wonder food is.
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