Shambhala The Rising Sun within our Heart

There is a legend that somewhere deep in the mountains of Tibet there exists a sacred and magical realm called ‘Shambhala’.
Some believe is a physical location and others believe is an inner journey to a State of being. A journey toward enlightenment, a warrior’s journey.
This way of living has been passed down from ancient teachings for thousands of years and is known as the ‘Shambhala State’.
A state of being, where we are fully connected to our intuition, our life purpose and our life force.
When the time is right when the world is tipping then the Shambhala Warriors will rise by way of an inner journey towards the heart.
Once awakened and practiced daily we begin to have a profound effect on our environment and live the life of our dreams and manifest much more than just physical abundance. We tap into a life that is fulfilled, connected and truly joyful.
This is the path of the Shambhala Warrior which is a journey deep into the very core of your being to awaken your most powerful, connected and Purposeful self.
The path of the warrior is not meant in the outer aggressive sense of the word but as the powerful inner sense of connecting the raw, real and powerful states of the heart.
Shambhala is represented by the rising of the Great Eastern Sun, in both metaphor and reality.
Our Vision is to inspire others to awaken their full potential and live in harmony with nature. We are all so much more than we think we are. As we awaken our hearts, we tap into our full purpose and our most powerful connected self. We begin to live in harmony with nature and will live a life full of purpose, joy and connection beyond our wildest dreams.
Our mantra is Grow, Nourish, Connect; and we thrive by inspiring others to live their most abundant, purposeful and vibrant self.
Our Mission is to share these ancient teachings to inspire others to awaken to their most vibrant connected self and to continue creating healing space on this land to allow the Shambhala community to go deep inside and connect to the powerful heart within and tap into the powerful universal energy that flows fully in nature.
My name is Craig Hubbard and over the last 20 years I have trained and immersed deep into the areas of martial arts as a black belt with a focus on Chi Gong, yoga, meditation and breath work.
Later after the 2008 wake up call, I left the city and took up organic farming as way of deepening my connection to the earth and had a vision to bring all these elements into a sustainable Sanctuary surrounded by nature where others could learn, practice and share in community. I have been fascinated with the world of wellness and heart connected living.
Together with my wife Chrissy Beth, a mother, a yoga teacher and heart connected goddess we have been manifesting this shared vision into what we call Shambhala Farm, a wellness and yoga lifestyle space based on a 12acre organic farm where we run courses, retreats and trainings in the area of wellness, sustainable living, organic food growing and yoga.
In 2004 I was given a book that became a primary guiding tool for how I live my life. That book was called ‘Shambhala – The Sacred Path of the Warrior‘ by Chogyam Trungpa. This book had a big effect on me and became the name of my company Shambhala living and a guiding principle in how I began to live my life.
This way of living became a powerful way to connect to the wisdom of the Earth and also to create and manifest on the physical plane. I dove deep into this journey with full immersion and moved out of the city of Sydney to live closer to the earth and learn to grow food, medicine and connect to my deeper self. I called this company Shambhala Living and began creating and manifesting projects that evolved into what we called Shambhala Farm.
The intention was to continue to walk deeper toward this powerful Shambhala Vision that had so captivated me those years before.
Below is a download that came through after asking the question what is the Shambhala State of being?
The Shambhala State of Being
Noun; The harmonising of all 6 states of being into one underlying vibrational state that unites all of creation into a single vibration.
Verb: Being the instrument in harmony of life. Allowing the body to be an instrument that holds and resonates the vibration of integrated wholeness also called love/ light/god/spirit.
To harmonise the first 5 elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Wood that make up the physical body with the 6th energy body to be inter-dimensionally in harmony.
Like playing a tuning fork will allow us to harmonise to that vibration and it can also effect the change in pitch of other vibrations of less intensity.
We can change/rearrange most of our physical components simply by effecting a consistent holding of a higher pitched vibration than that of 5 Elements when on their own.
These 5 Elements in different combinations make up the subatomic particles that make up the atoms that create our physical reality. Which means we can effectively hold energetic vibration from our energy body which effects change through the process of attunement (the tuning of an instrument) on the 5 Elements that make up our physical reality so we can and are constantly participating in the grand cosmic creation of reality.
At this physical level we are responsible for our sphere of 3-dimensional vibrational creation in a bubbling soup of existence.
Like in the ocean there are many different forces from a weather pattern in certain regions that hold the dominance over certain Elements like heat, wind and pressure that creates patterns that hold a vibration and create small ripples or vast deep pulsing swell that travels thousands of miles.
Our thought patterns are like the weather patterns that can effect change in small ripples or deep pulses of good that resonate into our lives and out into the physical world in the ever-expanding connected flux we call the universe.
beyond love, are more and more states of being.
Everything is a vibration in flux with every other vibration. At a certain level of integrated harmony and at a certain resonance in our perception we often label as a state of love. If we continue into the heart of this perception we can attune to higher and higher states of vibration that go beyond what words can describe as bliss, peace, heaven, love, light.
This state of being is what we call ‘Shambhala’, an inner journey deep into the Heart.
To take this journey is a warrior’s journey as it demands of us to face our most powerful self, the duality at its core!
The yin and yang the right and wrong, love and fear,
And ultimately we must face a death. A death of a belief, an identity, a letting go.
We are warriors not by fighting and resisting but by releasing and expanding and exposing the vulnerable heart, the tenderness, the compassion, the gratitude and love of the heart.
There is change in the air something is happening and it feels like the time to go deep. connect with the earth and connect to our heart.
We look forward to sharing Shambhala teachings and trainings with you online and at our Shambhala retreat.
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