Heart Centred Breathing Practice

Do you have a daily practice that you love? I have discovered that it is often the daily routines and practices that can bring the most powerful changes and shifts within our body, mind and life! If you are struggling with creating the time or just don’t quite know where or how to start, this Breathing Exercise is a short and sweet way to begin your own daily practice of being Mindful & Heart-full!
The steps listed below will guide you through a simple breathing exercise that will bring you back into your HeartSpace, calm your mind & make room for more love in your heart & life! This is a simple but powerful practice that you can do first thing in the morning or at any time that you feel you need a boost of positive energy. This is one of my favourite practices & I hope you find it helpful & transformative!
- Find a comfortable seated position & place your hand on your heart.
- Close your eyes as you focus your attention on the area around your heart. (as you move through this practice, you can bring your hand away from your heart & simply use your mind to focus the energy to that area.)
- Breathe deeply but normally. As you breathe, imagine the breath moving through the area around your heart.
- Allow at least 10-20 breath cycles simply focusing on your inhales & exhales moving through the HeartSpace.
- As you maintain your heart focus & breathing, activate a positive feeling. Recall a time when you felt the feelings of love and gratitude, something that brought you much joy. This is where the magic happens so take your time with this part.
- Allow yourself to simmer in the feelings of love & positivity around your HeartSpace for at least 10-20 slow deep breaths.
- I encourage you to take 10 minutes with this practice every day & I guarantee you will notice a change in your heart, your day, your life.
- As you become more familiar with this exercise, start to extend the time that you sit in Heart Focused Breathing.
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