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Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas


We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Along with other phases such as, ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.’ Is there truth and logic behind these age old words that have been drilled into us since childhood?! Well, apparently so.

Health experts agree that eating breakfast is essential to adequately fuel your body for the day ahead. Studies show that eating a nourishing breakfast has a plethora of health benefits- from lowering heart disease, blood pressure and cholesterol, to improving mental functioning, assisting with healthy weight balance, and boosting mood levels.

However, not all breakfasts are created equal. Sugar-laden breakfast cereals, white processed toast and condiments, flavoured milks, reconstituted juice, instant coffee, pop tarts, frozen waffles- the items that tend to line the breakfast isles of most supermarkets are certainly not considered prime fuel for the human body.

A healthy, nourishing breakfast is best made up of quality protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates, with a focus on natural wholefoods. Breakfasts high in protein can help decrease ghrelin levels, also known as the ‘hunger hormone,’ and leave you feeling satisfied for longer. Healthy fats are important in the morning to fuel the brain and support memory and cognitive function. They also improve cardiovascular health, bone health, and proper nerve signaling.

Skipping breakfast has been shown to result in large fluctuations in blood glucose, which snowballs into an increased appetite and tendency to overeat throughout the day. Poor quality breakfast options that are low in nutrients are guaranteed to leave you ravenous by mid-morning, which is often when poor food choices come into play. Studies have shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to select nutrient dense food options for the rest of the day, which is another reason why eating breakfast can support healthy weight levels.

Setting yourself up with a nutritious breakfast doesn’t need to be a grueling affair! Try setting your alarm just five minutes earlier and treat yourself to a delicious breakfast that will set the tone for your day ahead. Stay fueled naturally.


Here are some of our favourite breakfast go-to’s:

  • Granola, with fresh fruit and coconut yogurt or almond milk
  • Avocado on wholegrain or gluten free bread with optional poached egg or spinach
  • A healthy protein smoothie with banana, papaya, plant-based protein, chia seeds, and coconut milk
  • Overnight oats with berries, walnuts and pumpkin seeds
  • Scrambled tofu with cherry tomatoes and spinach
  • Chia seed pudding with fresh mango, coconut and macadamias
  • Freshly made savoury muffins with zucchini and herbs



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